Sunday, 21 April 2013

Difference in Weight of Popcorn Before nd After.

The difference in weight and size of popcorn.

When thinking about the ‘popping’ of popcorn process there are a number of questions that arise.

For example, how much more volume does a ‘popped’ kernel take up over and un-popped kernel?

Within this evaluation I aim to raise and answer some of these questions.

Is there a difference in weight of the kernel before and after it has ‘popped’?

Cockeyed (2011) did an experiment to determine just this question; it mentions that to start off with, the weight of the popcorn is 72.1 grams. To determine this, highly sensitive scales were used. This weight also included that bag that the popcorn was held in.

I myself believed that when the microwave had heated the popcorn, it would the same weight.  However after seeing the experiment shown by Cockeyed (2011) I now believe differently.

72.1 grams of popcorn where originally within the bag, before the bag had been heated. However the popcorn weighed 62.3 grams after it had been heated and the popcorn had popped. The popcorn was 14% lighter after the heating had taken place.

Why is this?

The popcorn had been heated to steaming hot temperature, losing water and oil vapor while cooking. (Cockeyed, 2011)

After the experiment was carried out, 9.8 milliliters of water were collected from the back that had been released from the kernels when heating.

Mass Of Un-popped Corn  -  Mass Of Popped Corn   =  Mass Of Water       Volland (2010)

Volland (2010) shows us that to calculate the final percentage of water lost we need to be able to calculate the mass of the kernel before and the mass of the water afterwards.

Why not try popping your own popcorn and see what you find?

(Accessed 4th April)

Volland, W. (2010) Why Popcorn Pops.
(Accessed 8th April)


  1. How many bags of regular sized pop corn would it take to get 700 pounds of popcorn?? Just asking out of curiosity.

  2. you have no idea how helpful this was

  3. What would cause an unpopped kernel to gain mass?

  4. Would burning the popcorn cause it to increase or decrease in mass?

  5. how do you find the mass lost?

  6. Mass Of Un-popped Corn - Mass Of Popped Corn = Mass Of Water (Mass of water = Loss of mass)
